Opravdoví / The Real Ones which premiered in 2018 at Moving Station, Pilsen and UFFO, Trutnov (both in the Czech Republic) will be toured this November across four more cities.  To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a networked performance has played consecutively across different locations in a short period of time.  It is a test of new distributed systems technology for networked performance, logistic and artistic processes that we have endeavored to perfect since the premiere in 2019.  Thanks to an early-October residency at the most welcoming Městské divadlo Varnsdorf, we will also make some choreographic, visual and audio updates to the version that was premiered in 2018.

Dates for the Czech 2019 tour are:
24/10: PONEC Dance Theatre, Prague AND K3 Theatre, Olomouc
31/10: Moving Station, Pilsen AND Diod, Jilhava